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Start Talking! to your child about drugs

Drugs are robbing too many Ohio students of their critical learning years. Surveys show that some of our students as young as 11 and 12 are trying drugs for the first time. At the same time, almost one in three of Ohio’s high school students is misusing prescription drugs.

Schools and parents must work together to turn the tide of drug abuse. School name is doing its part through a new statewide program called Start Talking!

What does that title mean? Research shows that youngsters who hear anti-drug messages from parents and other important people in their lives, such as teachers and coaches, are 50 percent less likely to use them. Using Start Talking! guides called TEACHable Moments, School Name teachers already have begun chatting with our students in class twice a month about not using drugs. Their approach may be direct, or more indirect, like asking students about what they want their lives to look like in the future.

As a parent, you can give your children similar messages at home. Guides called Know Parent Tips come out twice a month. If you are not already receiving these tips through our school, please visit http://StartTalking.Ohio.Gov and sign up to receive them via email. The guides are free, and they will help you keep up an ongoing conversation with your child about avoiding drugs.