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Class of 2020 Announcements
*Every senior is being honored on the digital sign in front of Imprint Logo. Imprint Logo is located at 250 South Bridge Rd. (St. Rt. 269) Lakeside, Marblehead, Ohio. A big thank you to Craig & Kellye Stephens (owners of Imprint Logo) for providing this courtesy to the “Class of 2020”.

*Every senior will have a congratulatory senior sign that will be displayed in front of the school/stadium sometime in the next 7-10 days. I will send out a schoology message to inform you when those signs are up for you to see them.

*We are using your senior group picture, which was taken by Lifetouch last October by the Lighthouse, and placing it on 2-3 billboards around the peninsula area. I will message you the exact locations when the billboards are finalized so that you can see them.

*We are currently organizing a senior graduation parade with assistance from the Danbury Township Police Department and the Lakeside-Marblehead Fire Department. This driving parade will take place on Sunday, May 17th beginning at 1:00 p.m. If students would like to participate, they should be in the school parking lot ready to go by 12:50 p.m. Students should decorate their vehicles for this drive around the peninsula, which will last approximately 20-30 minutes. Additional information will be sent out on schoology and through the senior remind app in the coming days.

*We will be posting “Senior Spotlights” on our school facebook page in the coming days. If you have not filled out the survey that was sent to you via schoology last week, please submit that survey ASAP (here: The survey should only take a few minutes for you to complete and the information that you provide in the survey will be included in your “Senior Spotlight”.  

*We will be conducting an individualized graduation ceremony for all of our graduating seniors on Sunday, June 14th beginning at 2:00 p.m. All of the details pertaining to this graduation event will be coming to you in the mail in the coming weeks.

Please check back on Schoology for additional information regarding upcoming senior events!