Ohio Biography Resources

4th Grade Students are required to pick a Famous Ohioan to complete a project  for their Social Studies class. Listed below are some resources to help complete the project.


iSearch allows students to search both the library holdings and INFOhio databases for resources from one interface.
Students will be required to enter a username and password to access iSearch outside of the District. Both are available from Ms. Schumm in the District Library.

INFOhio Resources for K-5

This page contains a list of individual databases that you can search for information on your Ohioan.

Famous Ohioans: Webquest

The process link contains links to various websites with biographical information on various famous Ohioans.

OPLIN: Famous Ohioans
This site was created by the Ohio Public Libraries Information Network. The site contains biographies and further reading lists to help find more information. There are also flash based games to test your knowledge of some famous Ohioans.

Famous people born in Ohio

This website is from Biography.com and has a listing of famous Ohioans and a biography.
 Ohio History Central should be considered as a starting point for learning about the people, places, animals, events, and culture of Ohio. Individuals interested in primary sources related to the topics introduced in Ohio History Central should visit www.ohiomemory.org
 Established in 2000, Ohio Memory is the collaborative statewide digital library program of the Ohio History Connection and the State Library of Ohio. On this free website, you can explore digital content from over 365 cultural heritage institutions representing all 88 of Ohio’s counties!
Danbury Local Schools
Danbury Local Schools | 9451 E. Harbor Road Lakeside-Marblehead, OH 43440 | P: (419) 798.5185 | F: (419) 798-2260
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